Siemens 173A-10309S 2-Way 3/4-Inch 10 Cv Ball Valve Assembly with Stainless Steel Ball and Stem, Floating Fail-in-Place Actuator, 200 Psi Close-off, NPT

Looking for Siemens 173A-10309S 2-Way 3/4-Inch 10 Cv Ball Valve Assembly with Stainless Steel Ball and Stem, Floating Fail-in-Place Actuator, 200 Psi Close-off, NPT Great Deals, Online shopping, Siemens 173A-10309S 2-Way 3/4-Inch 10 Cv Ball Valve Assembly with Stainless Steel Ball and Stem, Floating Fail-in-Place Actuator, 200 Psi Close-off, NPT Read Product Review, Features, Specs, Description, Check Prices Update & More satisfactory for this item reviews! Siemens 173A-10309S 2-Way 3/4-Inch 10 Cv Ball Valve Assembly with Stainless Steel Ball and Stem, Floating Fail-in-Place Actuator, 200 Psi Close-off, NPT

The Siemens 599 Series 2-way Ball Valve with a floating control fail-in-place actuator assembly provides 200 psi close-off, and is used to control hot or chilled water and up to 50% water-Glycol solution in air handling units, convectors, fan coil units, unit conditioners, radiators and reheat coils. This 3/4-inch valve is 10 Cv, equal percentage flow characteristic, and utilizes a stainless steel ball and stem to effectively and efficiently control fluid flow in the most demanding systems. The assembly also provides a manual override feature with an operating handle that can manually operate the valve in the event of power failure. Siemens reliability and performance in a small package size - the perfect solution to your flow control needs!

Siemens 173A-10309S 2-Way 3/4-Inch 10 Cv Ball Valve Assembly with Stainless Steel Ball and Stem, Floating Fail-in-Place Actuator, 200 Psi Close-off, NPT
Product By : Siemens

Siemens 173A-10309S 2-Way 3/4-Inch 10 Cv Ball Valve Assembly with Stainless Steel Ball and Stem, Floating Fail-in-Place Actuator, 200 Psi Close-off, NPT #.

  • 200 psi close-off at ANSI Class IV or better
  • Mounting plate's extended neck and bi-metallic shaft thermally isolate the actuator from the valve and provide clearance for insulation
  • Actuator and plate can be rotated in 90-degree increments to facilitate various installation positions
  • Standoffs provide a thermal barrier between the actuator and the mounting plate
  • Blow-out proof stem withstands high pressure
  • A few tips
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