Sharper Image SI100012 Chrome Table Lamp with Tiered Wooden Shade

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Sharper Image SI100012 Chrome Table Lamp with Tiered Wooden Shade

Product By : Sharper Image

Sharper Image SI100012 Chrome Table Lamp with Tiered Wooden Shade . Sharper Image is a well established, recognized brand that has been in business for over 30 years and has become an iconic American brand. Their first Home Decor Lighting Collection has been meticulously designed and developed to meet all of Sharper Image quality standards. The construction of each item in this collection is made with state of the art, high quality materials made to last a lifetime. Each item is fashionably designed to add a touch of contemporary elegance to any room and the neutral color pallets can accommodate any colorful home decor. All of our table and floor lamps include LED bulbs, which reduce the overall energy consumption and has a longer lifetime than incandescent light bulbs. This two bulb fixture table lamp has a real wood shade that adds a warm feeling as it illuminates the room. A sleek designed column and base in a glossy chrome finish are topped off by a round two tier shade. The slim 15 inch shade features an inner shade made of cozy off white linen and a wooden veneer as the outside layer. Uses two 40 watt maximum Type A bulbs. Lamp measures 8.5 inches x 15 inches x 25 inches. Shade measures 16 inches diameter x 8 inches. Three year factory warranty.

  • A wood two tier shade adds a warm feeling to this 25 inch table lamp
  • Two bulb fixture is topped with a round two tier linen and veneer shade
  • Lamp measures 8.5 Inch x 15 Inch x 25 Inch
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