Sylvania (64489) M400/C/U/BT28 400 Watt Metal Halide Light Bulb

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Sylvania (64489) M400/C/U/BT28 400 Watt Metal Halide Light Bulb

Product By : Sylvania

Sylvania (64489) M400/C/U/BT28 400 Watt Metal Halide Light Bulb . Sylvania (64489) M400/C/U/BT28 400 Watt Metal Halide Light Bulb COMPACT METALARC® 175, 250, 400 & 1000 watt lamps and COMPACT SUPER METALARC® 400 watt lamps provide increased system efficiency, due to a smaller outer jacket, and superior METALARC performance. COMPACT METALARC lamps are available in smaller outer jacket sizes to operate in a reduced fixture profile and to increase system efficiency. The reduced bulb diameter allows the fixture designer to locate the lamp arc tube closer to the reflector, thereby increasing fixture efficiency. The broad lamp selection allows the user to specify the size fixture for various wattage lamps due to the reduced envelope size. THIS ITEM MUST BE ORDERED IN CASE QUANTITY OF 6


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