50 Pack Simpson Strong Tie TSBR2-24 24" Truss Spacer-Restraint

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50 Pack Simpson Strong Tie TSBR2-24 24" Truss Spacer-Restraint

Product By : Simpson Strong-Tie

50 Pack Simpson Strong Tie TSBR2-24 24" Truss Spacer-Restraint . The Simpson Strong-Tie TSBR truss spacer-restraint is a time-saving lateral-restraint product for wood and CFS framing that improves quality and safety while helping to meet the prescriptive recommendations of the WTCA/TPI. Easier to install than wood bracing, the TSBR firmly grips the trusses, capturing on-center spacing and keeping them vertical and plumb after placement, resulting in a better truss installation. The unique design eliminates additional time spent measuring truss spacing and laying out temporary lateral bracing. And once installed, the TSBR can remain in place to be sheathed over, thereby eliminating the need to remove temporary bracing and creating a safer, more stable work platform. Features: Enables the quick and accurate spacing of trusses without measuring or adjusting. Helps meet prescriptive temporary bracing recommendations of the BCSI. Easily "grabs" onto the truss - may be put in place with one hand. Stays in place during sheathing, saving time and making the roof more stable for workers. Installs in less time and requires less total bracing material than prescriptive wood bracing methods - reducing labor costs. The TSBR is a direct replacement for the TSB Truss Spacer Bracer.

  • 25-1/2"L x 1-3/4"W x 1"D
  • Use with 10d Fasteners
  • 22 Gauge
  • Zinc galvanized finish containing 0.90oz of zinc per square foot of surface area (total both sides)
  • Many instructions
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