Elk 5112/1 1-Light Skateboard Pendant In Chrome

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Finish:Chrome, Light Bulb:(1)60w A19 Med F Incand The Novelty collection is where we truly let imaginations soar. Fun for all ages! These whimsical lighting fixtures will put a smile on you or your childs face with a myriad of shapes and themes meant to stir the imagination and create a lighthearted environment. 1 Light Skateboard Pendant. Includes 3 feet of cable.

Elk 5112/1 1-Light Skateboard Pendant In Chrome
Product By : Elk

Elk 5112/1 1-Light Skateboard Pendant In Chrome #.

  • Bulb Number: 1
  • Bulb Type: 60W Medium
  • Item Type: Pendant
  • Item Collection: Novelty
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