Pearl TLSSTRAP500 500 Tuscan Leveling System Straps

Pearl TLSSTRAP500 500 Tuscan Leveling System Straps

#The Tuscan Leveling System is an innovative product that will greatly assist most anyone in the installation of stone, ceramic, marble, granite and large format slab tiles. It is designed to create a virtual lippage free installation when used on floors or walls. The system interlocks the tiles, virtually creating a single flat slab surface while the setting material is curing. The interlocking design of the system reduces and in most cases eliminates settling from shrinkage, as well as minimizing the possibility of warping. The system reduces the need to re-lift tiles to add more mud and/or the process of shimming tiles; thus greatly increasing the speed of installation, all the while creating that much desired lippage free mirror surface. In addition, the caps are reusable dozens of times.

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Pearl TLSSTRAP500 500 Tuscan Leveling System Straps .

  • Passes standard industrial (TCNA Robinson) compression test.
  • Very easy to learn and use at any skill level.
  • Installation is up to 3X faster.
  • Prevents tiles from moving while curing.
  • More profitable for the installer.
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